Aug 28, 2024

Posted in 논문 / Papers

Cyclic loading test for joints between concrete-filled U-shaped steel beams and bolt-connected steel angle composite columns [Journal of Building Engineering] (2024.08)

2024-08_PSRC-TSC 내부 볼팅 접합 실험

  • 저자: 김현진, 황현종, 박홍근, 이승환
  • Abstract : Concrete-filled U-shaped steel beams (or T-type steel concrete (TSC) beams) and bolt-connected steel angle composite columns (or Prefabricated steel-reinforced concrete (PSRC) columns) enable rapid and efficient construction of large industrial buildings. In existing details for TSC beam–PSRC column joints using cut-off beam flange plates, early fracture of the beam web plate at the weld-connection limited the deformation capacity. For better seismic performance and constructability, this study proposed an enhanced beam-column joint method for TSC beams and PSRC columns, using the beam flange plates extended inside the joint and the bolt-connections for joint fabrication. The seismic performance of the proposed joint method was evaluated in interior beam-column joint specimens that included two current specimens and two existing specimens. All specimens showed ductile behavior through plastic hinges at the beam ends without premature joint shear failure. The proposed beam-column joint specimens showed the enhanced deformation and energy dissipation capacities by restraining local buckling, fracture, and anchorage slip of the beam U-section, thus satisfying the code-specified requirements for special moment frames. Further, the strength efficiency improved by 22 %, and the predictions of the beam flexural strength and joint shear strength agreed with the test results.
  • 요약 : PSRC 기둥과 TSC 거더의 접합 상세를 기둥 내부에서의 볼팅을 통한 접합으로 개선한 결과 특수모멘트골조 이상의 성능이 확보됨을 확인함.