Aug 5, 2024

Posted in 논문 / Papers

Cyclic Loading Test for Beam–Column Joints of Precast Concrete Beam and Concrete-Encased Steel Angle Column [Journal of Structural Engineering] (2023.02.25)

2023-02-25_논문_ASCE_HMB 1차년도

  • 저자: 임종진, 엄태성, 황현종, 이승재, 이승환
  • Abstract : Precast concrete (PC) and composite structures have been widely used in large industrial buildings for constructability and cost efficiency. The PC beams and composite columns are preferrable for use as long-span beams and large-sized columns, respectively, to realize efficient steel-concrete composite construction. The present study developed seismic details of the PC beam-to-composite column joint. A cyclic loading test was performed on the beam-column joints to investigate the seismic performance. For the test parameters, the connection details and the plastic hinge relocation were considered. The test results showed that the load-carrying capacity and deformation capacity of the specimens satisfied the requirements for intermediate moment frames specified in AISC 341-16. Further, the load-carrying capacities predicted using the plastic hinge relocation concept and the effective tension force of the bottom reinforcement at the PC beam section agreed with the test results.