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콘크리트채움 U형 강재보-강재기둥 합성 내진접합부에 대한 주기하중 실험 / Cyclic Seismic Testing of Concrete-filled U-shaped Steel Beam-to-Steel Column Connections [한국강구조학회 / Korean Society of Steel Construction] (2011.06)
– 저자 : 박홍근, 이철호, 박창희, 황현종, 이창남, 김형섭, 김성배
In this study, seismic resistance of concrete encased U-shaped steel beam-to-steel H-shaped column connections was evaluated.Three specimens ofthe beam-to-column connection were tested undercyclic loading.The compositebeam was integrated with concrete slab using studs. Re-bars for negative moment were placed in the slab. The primary test parameter was the details of the connections, which are strengthening and weakening strategies for the beam end and the degree of composite action. The depth of the composite beams was 600mm including the slab thickness. The steel beam and there-bars in the slab were weld-connected to the steel column. For the strengthening strategy, cover plates were weld-connected to the bottom and top flanges of the steel beam. For the weakening strategy, avoid using styrofoam box was located inside the core concrete at the potential plastic hinge zone. The test results showed that the fully composite specimens exhibited good strength, deformation, and energy dissipation capacities. The deformation capacity of the beam exceeded 4% rotation angle, which is the requirement for the Special Moment Frame.