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콘크리트채움 U형 강재보 – 콘크리트 기둥 접합부의 내진성능 / Seismic Resistance of Concrete-filled U-shaped Steel Beam-to-RC Column Connections [한국강구조학회 / Korean Society of Steel Construction] (2011.02)
– 저자 : 황현종, 박홍근, 이철호, 박창희, 이창남, 김형섭, 김성배
In thisstudy,theseismicdetailsofaconcrete-encased,U-shaped steelbeam-to-RC column connection were developed.Three specimens of the beam-to-column connection were tested under cyclic loading to evaluate the seismic performance of the connection. The test parameters were the beam depth and the column section shape. The depths of
the composite beams were 610 and 710 mm, including the slab depth. For the RC columns, a square section and a circular section were used. Special details using diagonal re-bars and exterior diaphragm plates were used to strengthen the connections with the rectangular and circular columns, respectively. The test results showed that the specimens exhibited good strength, deformation, and energy dissipation capacities. The deformation capacity exceeded 4% interstory drift angle,which is the requirement for the Special Moment Frame.